L.I.F.E. Ministry is for you if you have a loved one or know of someone who struggles with life controlling issues. This is for everyone in our community. It will help identify those who struggle and possible ways to help them. It will also show us our areas of needed change in how we view those who struggle and how we can be a part of the solution.
The 4 R's of L.I.F.E. Ministry
1. Referral: Begin ministry to those who are incarcerated/unable to function responsibly because of their addiction, referring and assisting them to go on to a long-term residential program, as alternate sentencing or choice of will. 2. Relationship: Provide relevant ministry to those that are reasonably functional in spit of their addiction. This allows the client to be responsible for daily necessities. The client needs to make a commitment to receive help and hope through the support groups and caring relationships with Lifeline staff. 3. Realignment: Provides effective ministry to families of those with life-controlling issues, offering encouragement and boundaries as well as allowing families to work through their issues together. 4. Re-Entry: Provides follow-up ministry to those who have completed long-term recovery programs, providing continued positive peer choice, accountability, boundaries and consistency. |
Life controlling challenges fall into three categories: 1. Substance: Drugs, alcohol, food, prescription medications 2. Behavior: Gambling, pornography, outbursts of anger, etc. 3. Relationships: Co-dependent, enabling, unhealthy, and/or abusive relationship. L.I.F.E. Connection is a community ministry. It serves as a catalyst to bring together all aspects of a rural county or an entire city including churches, business, judicial, law enforcement; for the common cause of ministering to people and families who have experiences addictions or life challenges. |